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  • This week in K-Prep Math….

    What a fun week of math!  We have started a new “Number of the Day” activity that we have been completing during our first whole group meeting time.  This has taught the students about different ways to make a number!



    The students practiced number recognition and counting by rolling a set of dice, counting the dots on the dice and feeding their tennis ball friend a chip with that number on it!  This game is  great for our fine motor skills and is fun too!



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    Since it is almost October, we made spiders using our math skills!  We matched up the number of dots on its legs to the numbers on its body.

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    We did a fun math/literacy lesson this week.  We read the book, “Chicka, Chicka, 1, 2, 3” as a whole group.  The book is about different numbers climbing up an apple tree.  It was only fitting that the kids would be able to snack on tasty, sliced apples during the reading!  Afterwards, in small groups the students  counted certain numbers of “apples” and used tongs to place them onto their felt apple trees! Another good fine motor activity!

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