We put a fun twist on reviewing our letters and sounds today during small groups. Children took turns finding and matching the lowercase alphabet cookies with the corresponding uppercase plate while practicing the sounds together.
We put a fun twist on reviewing our letters and sounds today during small groups. Children took turns finding and matching the lowercase alphabet cookies with the corresponding uppercase plate while practicing the sounds together.
Before your child begins to read, he/she is learning about the way letters and sounds work together to form words. Phonemic awareness and phonics are the first steps a child makes in their journey to becoming readers. By listening to and playing around with the sounds in language, your child is building an important foundation for reading. These playful processes are a part of phonemic awareness, which research has found to be the best predictor of reading success in young children.
If your child has phonemic awareness, he or she understands that words are made up of sounds (phonemes) and that those sounds can be grouped together, moved, and changed. Throughout the day there are many opportunities to point out words that begin or end with the same sound. Just making your child aware of sounds in words is one of the first steps in reading. Click on the first picture below for an online game called Dog’s Letter Pit that your child can play to practice building phonemic awareness. Have fun!
Today, the preschoolers had the chance to experience their 5 senses in a whole new way! Mr. Dan from the Cincinnati Museum Center was back again and proved to be as enthusiastic and exciting as ever. We enjoyed exploring the jobs of each of our senses and taking the time to understand how important those jobs truly are to us. From using special spy glasses to see the white light and rainbows that are all around us to training our ears to listen for different types of sounds. The children were excited to guess the secret smells and tastes that Mr. Dan brought along. Everyone had a chance to feel the funny vibrations of a tuning fork that tickled our hands and it was great to pet and visit with our friend Pokey the Turtle too! We look forward to more visits from the Cincinnati Museum Center in throughout the school year.
Creative Tots has specialized in the private education of both toddlers and preschool age children for over 15 years. We began in the heart of Madeira and now also have a new Mason location. We are specifically designed to focus on early childhood development for children ages 18 months to 5 years.
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