Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Baby chicks visit the Preschool Class


    One of our student’s has adopted 15 baby chicks into their home. Wow!



    We learned you have to hold them very carefully and they do not like to be on their back.



    They all had fun and unique names and they were LOUD.  So much fun in our classroom!

  • Pre-K Show and Share

    The favorite part of our day…show and share!  But how are the children benefiting from the experiences?

    • Learning How to Ask Questions and Answer: many preschool children do not understand the difference between a statement and a question, and so going through the process helps teach this concept.
    • Speech Development: for the speaker, show and share provides an opportunity to use descriptive language, concept thinking, story telling and so forth. Overall, it helps develop effective communication.
    • Emotional Development: giving children time to share a part of their home life, their interests, with the group creates an environment of caring and fosters their emotional selves.
    • Respectful Listening: show and tell can create structure for preschool children to learn how to be respectful when someone is talking and to use proper manners
    • Children Take the Lead: the act of show and share, from choosing the item, to talking about it in front of peers, to showing it to everyone, provides children the chance to be in charge, and have their choices and voice honored. This is especially true for the more shy children in the group.

  • S is for Sharing!

    We had our first Show and Share today in the Early 3’s!  The children had the opportunity to bring in one item that started with the letter S…

    S is for Snoopy!


    S is for Snow White


    S is for Snake!


    S is for Sun!


    S is for Snowball


  • A Very Special Show and Share

    One of our very special friends in Pre-K brought his favorite book and read it to us for his show and share day…Nice Work!

    Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?

    Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?


  • A Very Special Show and Share

    Panda Bear, Panda Bear What Do You See?

    Panda Bear, Panda Bear What Do You See?



  • Special Show and Share Today!

    We had a really cool visitor today in Pre-K!  Our friend, Bentley, brought a very special show and share to school today….She brought one of her grandfather’s chickens that he shows at fairs.  The kids were able to watch as Bentley took “Sparkie” out of his crate and strut around showing off his beautiful feathers.  Wow, was he gorgeous.  Thanks Bentley and grandpa!

    Sparkle Strutting Her Stuff!

    Sparkie Strutting His Stuff!

    Bentley and Her Friend, Sparkle

    Bentley and Her Friend, Sparkie