This month’s theme is transportation in the toddler room.
We had a transportation sensory tub full of vehicles, colored corn, road signs, stop lights and more!
We also worked on our fine motor skills with our car wash discovery tub!
We had a fantastic start to our third week of school! In the toddler room we are learning the color red and the letter “R.” We are learning the ABC song and practicing sitting at group time. The children had fun working on their art show pieces: painting muffin tins and printing them on paper. A new addition to our playground is a huge sandbox!!! The children LOVE playing in it!! Check out all of our fun photos from our day!!
{Miss Sarah}
We had a great second day in the early 3’s class! We worked on lining up –and they are quickly learning how to do this! I’m so proud of them! We practiced listening for a “quiet signal” prompt and responding correctly. In small group time, one group of children painted on foil –a fun sensory art activity. Another group of children learned how to play at the kitchen center –knowing how to properly use the center will advance their dramatic play development. The other group learned how to use the learning activities in the Early 3’s center. One of the activities we focused on is a sorting colors and shapes activity.
I am excited to learn with your children and see what this year holds for us!
{Miss Sarah}
Today we welcomed our Tuesday group to the toddler room!! We explored the room and centers. The children enjoyed playing with the puzzles and play dough at the tables. They did an art activity with Ms. Diana, where they glued dots onto paper. The children had fun chasing bubbles around and playing on the playground together. Overall, a fun-filled day of learning and exploring.
{Miss Sarah}
It is so hard to believe that we just wrapped up the last week of summer camp at Tots. We had an exciting last day…playing in the sensory tub with soil, noodles, shovels, and toy animals, eating ice cream from the ice cream truck, and painting with ice cubes. It has been such a blast to play, create, and explore with your children this week! Check out some of our photos from the last day:
{Miss Sarah}
We kicked off our final week of summer camp today! Lots of creativity and fun on our first day of this week!! We had fun painting with muffin tins and exploring “no-mess” finger painting (paint in a ziplock bag). There were lots of new faces this week, and we are thrilled to have them join us for this final week! Check out some of our photos from the day:
{Miss Sarah}
Creative Tots has specialized in the private education of both toddlers and preschool age children for over 15 years. We began in the heart of Madeira and now also have a new Mason location. We are specifically designed to focus on early childhood development for children ages 18 months to 5 years.
Click below to learn more about our program offerings: