We strengthened our small motor muscles today while exploring with color mixing. Small muscles in our hands must be strong to be successful writers!
Today, in Ms. Lori’s small group, our little scientists had the opportunity to discover chemical reactions. Using the scientific method, the boys and girls made a prediction, explored the chemicals (vinegar and salt), conduct the experiment, and record their results. The children tested which cleans a penny: salt and water, a glass of plain vinegar, or salt and vinegar mixed together? Ask your smart scientist which combination worked!
In the rainforest, there are lots of animals that use their tails for practical purposes. One example is the monkey. Monkey’s swing from tree to tree using their tails. Today, Miss Krista, our zoo animal expert, introduced us to two animals that have significant uses for their tails.
Meet Angelina: She is a type of bird called a galaf. She likes to be in trees with bright pink flowers. She eats seeds, nuts and fruits. Her tail has two uses: to balance in trees and to help slow her down to land when she is flying.
Meet Cornflower: He is a blue tongued lizard. He uses his tongue to smell. He eats flies, worms, flowers and loves snails! His tail is used to help him climb rocks.
Join us this summer for another great selection of camps for both preschool and toddlers. Download our registration forms and choose from any or all of the eleven weeks this year.
Creative Tots has specialized in the private education of both toddlers and preschool age children for over 15 years. We began in the heart of Madeira and now also have a new Mason location. We are specifically designed to focus on early childhood development for children ages 18 months to 5 years.
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