Our PreSchool Blog

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  • CAN: Play-doh Sight Words and Rainbow Writing

  • Rainbow Writing

    We focused on independent letter formation and orientation during our sight word study today.  What an amazing job they did!  I’m so very proud of their hard work and perseverance.  They are on their way to becoming independent writers ready for Kindergarten.

  • Name Recognition: Rainbow Writing

    Now that we are in the second half of the school year we will be working with our names at least once a week. Recognizing and writing names is an important skill for moving on to Pre-K. Expose your preschooler to their name as much as possible. Have fun tracing the letters in their name in flour, sand, sugar, dirt, whatever you can find! Point out signs that have letters in their name. Talk about letters in the beginning, middle, and end. Sound out each letter of their name. Count the letters. Build their name in the bathtub with foam letter blocks. Write letters on masking tape on legos and build a name tower. The possibilities are endless! Have some fun with it!

  • Rainbow Writing

    The preschoolers practiced their handwriting skills while reviewing all the letters we have learned this school year.






  • Rainbow Writing Robot Names

    Today we worked on the handwriting process, name recognition, and how to hold a crayon while rainbow writing in small groups.








  • Rainbow Writing Sight Words

    We practiced our sight words today along with writing by rainbow writing the sight words in our weekly reading group book along with two from last week’s book.  The book we have been reading this week is a nonfiction book called, Birds by Bruce Larkin.  The book series we use in our reading curriculum has also been made available to parents for purchase through the creator of the curriculum.  If you click on the picture of the book you will be taken to the website.

    Bird by Bruce Larkin

    Bird by Bruce Larkin

    Always Start at the top to Write a Letter

    Always Start at the top to Write a Letter

    Underline and Read the Word Each Time

    Underline and Read the Word Each Time

    This is an easy at home activity!

    This is an easy at home activity!