Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Pajama Day

    We decided to celebrate our last day of school before the break in our pajamas!  On Friday, the toddlers got a turn to go down the slide in the preschool room, went on a candy cane hunt, had popcorn snack while watching a short holiday film, and finished the day with a dance party!


  • Back to School Carnival 2010-2011

    The time has come.  The school year is once again upon us and all of us are ready (including the kids).  As we do each year, we will be kicking off with our annual Back to School Carnival.  Miss Penny, Miss Joanie and all the regular favorites will be on hand for art and song while the snow cones and popcorn abound.  This year is going to be phenomenal.  We are excited that you were able to join us and look forward to kicking things off right.  Come on out to 7803 Laurel Avenue from 3:30-5:30pm and bring your camera.  You don’t want to miss the opportunity to take a picture of the four-year-old face-painted spider-man, clutching half a cherry snow cone with a mouth full of laffy taffy attempting a spin-art masterpeice while dancing to Miss Joanie’s potty song and stuffing his pockets full of popcorn . . . because he may turn out to be yours.  Have Fun!

  • More carnival pictures.

    There is always a line at the face painting booth during our Back to School Carnival

    There is always a line at the face painting booth during our Back to School Carnival

    After filing away the pictures from the Creative Tots back to school carnival this summer, I came across a few I had to post.  It was such a wonderful event this year with nearly all the families participating.  The kids had such a great time.  It is always fun to see the families interact, some for the first time and others see their friends and neighbors there only to realize that they both have students at the school.  We learn something each year with the carnival.  This year it was that you can never have enough popcorn and face painting is apparently the first order of business for all the kids upon arrival.

  • Carnival!

    The carnival was another success.  At last count, 112 suckers were taken from the sucker tree . . . 71 snow cones were eaten and 86 bags of popcorn delivered to the crowd.  Miss Joanie played roaming guitarist to the joy of her students and their families.  The spin art booth was swamped as always and provided a glimpse of what our art teacher Mrs. Carson has in store for the year.  Thanks to all the volunteers that worked all of the games and refreshments, many of them Creative Tots alumni from many years ago that seem to always return for the carnival.  The face painting was exceptional this year and it seemed that no one left without some design intact.  Congratulations to the winners of the free summer camp weeks, next summer will soon be here!  Thanks to all who came out.  It was a wonderful time.