Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Pajama Party!!

    We spent our last day enjoying friends and fun!  We ate popcorn and watched An American Tale then Ms. Laurel joined us for a yoga class.  We finished off the day with our final music and movement class with Ms. Katie.  It has been a great year and we can’t wait to see you in summer camp!

    Yoga Fun

    Yoga Fun

    Nothing better than Yoga in our PJ's

    Nothing better than Yoga in our PJ’s
    Reach up High...Touch the Sky

    Reach up High...Touch the Sky

    An American Tale and Popcorn

    An American Tale and Popcorn

  • Wednesday Morning Holiday Party






    Our Christmas Parties started in full swing on Wednesday morning complete with Music, Stories, and of course-Gingerbread Cookies!  We had a great time sharing our holiday songs, favorite stories, and decorating cookies with our moms, dads, and grandparents.  Thanks to everyone who could make it-we love having you!