Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Toddler Friendships

    We have spent the first few weeks getting to know each other.  At around 18 months, there are changes in cognitive skills that help real friendships blossom.  Toddlers become more consciously aware of themselves and others.  Even when toddlers are playing side by side, without much interaction, they are still picking up play behaviors from one another.  These shared experiences help toddlers gain the play vocabulary they will need when they begin to play with friends.  We try to foster an environment that invites interaction, observation, as well as parallel play.  As teachers, we play alongside the children giving them simple words and vocabulary to help facilitate communication.  It has been so fun fun to watch the toddlers begin to bond.  We look forward to a year full of friendships.


  • Moving into Associative Play!

    Toddlers begin with parallel play (Parallel play is characterized by children playing the same game next to each other but with very little interaction).  As they turn 2 1/2  to 3 they begin playing with the same thing next to each other and talking, but not yet working together to create something.  This is called associative play.  It is so exciting to see this beginning in our class 009 !

