Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Math Study: Sorting Buttons

    How many ways can we sort buttons?  The students discovered a multitude of ways to sort their bucket of buttons today during our math study.  They sorted by color, shape, number of holes, size, number of sides, corners/no corners….

  • Number Recognition: TouchMath

  • Math Study: Seed Sorting

  • Math Study: Farm Sorting

  • Math Study: The Importance One to One Correspondence

    When counting, the concept of “one-to-one correspondence” is the understanding that each object being counted represents “one more.”

    Counting objects such as apples

    Before a child understands one-to-one correspondence, he will count by rote memorization. When asked to count a small group of objects, he will likely count quickly through the numbers he has memorized and randomly touch the objects being counted instead of touching and counting each object just once  (schoolsparkes.com).  This is a very important early math readiness skill and an EASY on to incorporate into your daily lives.  Count the stairs as you walk up, a few cheerios while your enjoying a bowl for breakfast….the sky’s the limit!  Have fun counting!

  • Octopus Math

    Our class is traveling to the Great Barrier Reef this month as we visit Australia during our country studies.  After learning about the difference between an octopus and a squid, we dove straight into our small math groups today and worked on number recognition and one to one correspondence.

  • Number Formation Rhymes

    The best way a child learns at an early age is through song or rhyme.  We introduced number formation 0-9 today through number rhymes.  We will be using these rhymes all year to help your child remember the proper way to write their numbers.  In a few weeks you will be recieving a packet of number formation rhymes along with a “squishy bag” so you an practice at home.  Remember, learning can be fun!

  • Small Groups!

    This week during small groups the children practiced pouring goldfish from a cup to a bowl. We talked about math, science, and volume. The boys and girls also took turns painting fish as the easel blue (color of the month).











  • Counting at Group Time!

    This week during group we have been reading the book Fish Eyes. The children love interacting and counting the fish as Ms. Bree-anna turns each page. The boys and girls took turns placing numbers by the matching fish.








  • Number Word Recognition

    We focused last week on number words while reading the book, Lost Feathers by Bruce Larkin.  Our week was full of number word activities including coloring by number word and graphing a number word.  We are becoming better readers every day in preparation for Kindergarten!  Kindergarten Here We Come!




