Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Math and Science Investigation!

    In our Early 3’s room, we have a shelf of activities that only our Early 3’s students get to play with. They feel so proud that they are old enough to investigate these fun activities! Since our theme of the month is water, we have wave makers in the science center. The children discover the connnection between movement and the creation of waves. In the math center the students work to put pretend birthday candles in little birthday cakes. The goal of this activity is to focus on one-to-one coorespondance and developing their fine motor skills.




  • What’s In Our Science and Math Center?

    The kids have loved exploring the new activities in our science and math center.  They have been working on number recognition and counting with stars, putting numbers in order using the planets in our solar system, making rocket ship puzzles, and matching animals with their homes.  spaceship 032 spaceship 032

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