Our PreSchool Blog

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  • A, B, C, D – Letter Studies!

    We have been making our way through the alphabet in the toddler room.  Each week we focus on a letter.  We read a letter book, sing letter songs, watch letter videos, hold and count items that begin with the weekly letter, do a letter craft using fine motor skills, and even do a sensory activity focusing on the letter.

    A is for Ant

    B is for Button

    C is for Cat

    D is for Donut

    E is for Eagle

  • Painting with Balloons!

    cake-and-candles-008 copy

    balloon dipping and the letter "Bb"

    Thursday morning we used balloons for an art project to reinforce our letter of the week!  The kids were able to dip balloons into purple and yellow paint to make balloon prints on their papers!  As they pushed the balloon onto the paper we made the letter B sound.


    teaching letters with balloon prints

  • Name Writing Practice in Sand

    We practiced writing our names today in sand.  This is a great activity to do at home, you can simply use salt if you don’t have any sand available.  We placed about a 1/3 of a cup of sand in a shallow tray (a baking sheet will work but you need to use more sand/salt) and gently shook it to make an even layer of sand for our writing area.  We placed a name card on the table in front of us to help us with our lowercase letters (remember to always have your child use an uppercase letter for the first letter of their name and lowercase letters for the remainder of the letters in their name).  We then used our fingers and off we went!  This was huge hit, the big question was, “CAN I DO IT AGAIN?  PLEASE?”  This is a great way to help your child practice the letter of the week at home too!  Letter Hh is our letter this week and don’t forget the lowercase h!  For another letter activity that is a hit in the classroom you can do at home, just click the picture!

    Practicing Letters in the Sand

    Practicing Letters in the Sand