We learned all about the polar bear this week! We based many of our activities around this animal. The students fed and counted fish into a polar bear’s mouth, made polar bear puppets and learned about how the polar bear camouflages with its surroundings. The kids took turns camouflaging a toy polar bear with other white objects around the room, as the animal would in its arctic habitat.
With our study of Ponds well under way, it was time to learn about a turtle!!!
The Red-eared Slider Turtle made a trip to our classroom. They don’t have any teeth or saliva. Their shells are different than a Painted Turtle.
“I see it’s red ears!!!”
We drew a big circle to make our turtle’s shell.
We are so excited to take home out Red-eared Slider. Be sure to ask your kiddos some fun facts!
We used a variety of textured papers today to create our own forest habitat. We have been learning about the forest habitat of Alaska this month and the animals who make their homes there. We have focused on the Great Gray Owl and Bald Eagle. Next week we will be talking about many more animals that we may find among the trees of the forests of Alaska. Click on the picture below to see the video we watched to learn about the Bald Eagle.
Creative Tots has specialized in the private education of both toddlers and preschool age children for over 15 years. We began in the heart of Madeira and now also have a new Mason location. We are specifically designed to focus on early childhood development for children ages 18 months to 5 years.
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