Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Science and Friendship

    In a fun preschool lesson this week, science and friendship collide! The kids learned that we could mix colors to create new ones! We tied this lesson in with this month’s character theme: friendship. Each child met a new friend as we conducted the experiment.  We talked about how we are all beautiful on our own, but when we form new friendships, something beautiful comes out of it (aka the new color created!).

  • Building Relationships in K Prep

    Friends are vital to Preschool & Pre-Kindergarten children’s healthy development. Friendships provide children with more than just fun playmates. Friendships help children develop emotionally and morally. In interacting with friends, children learn a lot of social skills, such as how to communicate, cooperate, and solve problems. They practice controlling their emotions and responding to the emotions of others. They develop the ability to think through and negotiate different situations that arise in their relationships. Having friends even affects children’s school performance. Children tend to have better attitudes about school and learning when they have friends to share it with.

  • The Preschool Scoop

    What a great first week of school at Creative Tots!! In the PM Preschool and Preschool Prep classes, we had an ice cream themed week inspired by the book “Should I Share My Ice Cream?” By Mo Willems. The students learned about sharing, while meeting new friends and enjoying some delicious ice cream! What a great start to the year with an even better group of kids!

    We started the afternoon with ice cream sensory tubs!

    We found our own name tags and made necklaces out of them!

    We had our ice cream snack outside in the sun!

    We practiced sharing our own ice cream with friends! 

    Then we had a dance party!

    Our question of the day was a tough one…choosing between chocolate, strawberry and vanilla ice cream.     


  • Our Classroom Writing Center


    Miss Andrea found an awesome mailbox to add to our classroom writing center!


    She showed us how to write notes to friends in our class, seal an envelope, and mail it for delivery!

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    We have really liked using all the different writing tools to create notes and pictures.

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  • Building a Class Robot

    We used foil and pipe cleaners to build a piece of a robot.  Then we worked together to build a BIG ROBOT. Everyone in our class brings a special part to our day!

  • Building Friendships in Pre-K

    How do preschooler build friendships?  How do we help our children create healthy friendships in preschool and pre-K?  Click on the photo below to read a wonderful article about the importance of building healthy friendships in preK.

  • Special Snacks on Valentine’s Day



  • Building Friendships on Valentine’s Day












  • Encouraging Social Skills

    Many families have asked me over the years how they can help their child build strong social skills to help form friendships with their peers.  There are many ways that parents can help children learn the skills they need to initiate and build friendships with children during the early childhood years.  Research has shown that preschool-aged children who have positive peer relationships are likely to maintain positive peer interactions in elementary school.  This is an amazing article that outlines how parents can directly impact their child’s peer interactions and why it is so important to do so at such a young age.  Young children’s early experiences build their foundation for everything that will follow in their lives.  Click on the picture below to read a fantastic article about encouraging social skills in young children.


  • Friendships are in Bloom

    friends IMG_2788 IMG_3058 IMG_1911