It has been a wonderful September, and the studio toddler class has been breaking in our brand new classroom wonderfully! Below you can find some of our students enjoying their free play time and see them exploring their new environment.
Art is a favorite activity for many of our students, and their curiosity and eagerness to try new things has been so amazing. We did a craft incorporating yellow, our color of the month, and circles. We use an abstract painting tool–a lemon! They got to smell the lemon, and taste a piece of it if they wanted, and then used it as a stamp on their paper.
We also had our first visit from Ms. Joanie. Ms. Joanie is the music teacher at Creative Tots, and she visits our class every other Tuesday! Our students already got to play her drum, and say hello to Elmo (Ms. Joanie does an awesome Elmo laugh FYI )
Check back in to see a sneak peak of our art show we will begin working on, as well as some examples of the small group activities we do.