Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Toddlers Down on the Farm

    The toddlers utilized the farm theme to reinforce shape, color, counting, fine motor, and vocabulary skills.  We sang Old McDonald and read The Big Red Barn.  Our learning environment this month includes farm puzzles, toys, animals, and even a farmer’s market for pretend play.

    A square scarecrow was our weekly craft.

    We practiced using glue sticks for this craft!

    Tractor painting while discussing different colors created a fun sensory experience!

    Pigs covered in mud was another fun sensory experience.  We watched a video of real pigs rolling in the mud.

    Pin the tail on the piggy!

    Milk the cow!

    Roll the die to see how many wool rolls to put on the sheep.




  • Fun on the Farm–Centers!

    The month of November is all about the farm! We have different centers that reflect our farm theme, such as the Farmer’s Market center, to the art center where they stuck cotton balls on a sheep! Below you can see some of our November centers and activities.


    Stringing farm animals for some good fine motor practice img_1745

    Learning the colors of these farm animals and the noises they make

    Farmer’s Market, where they sort the fruits and vegetables by color into their baskets

    Playing pretend with our new farm and farm animals

    Farm Train Table

    Farm animal manipulatives
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    And, always the favorite–our farm animal sensory bin with a corn kernel base!

    Sticking cotton balls to our sticky sheep at the art center