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  • January Happenings in Preschool Prep

    We have had a great January so far. Below are some of the activities we have been doing in our class this month!

    We love making art that can tie into our letter of the week, building on our motor skills, and/or practicing using our different art materials such as a glue stick, holding a paint brush properly, or practicing safe scissor skills. Sometimes we do free art, and sometimes we do art in which our preschool prep learners are following step by step directions.










    We also like to use items in our art to make for a different sensory experience. We painted with legos to reinforce our shape of the month, rectangle, to make an igloo. We also used white paint to reinforce our color, too! We used oranges to paint with the color orange, because orange begins with the letter “O”.










    N is for Noodles + Numbers! We had a fun sensory bin using colored noodles and talked about the different characteristics of the noodles. Were they warm or cold? What colors were they? Did they feel slimy, sticky, dry? We also went on a number scavenger hunt in our classroom!