Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Letter Oo

    Morning preschool is still making our way through the alphabet. We just finished working on the letter Oo, and are looking forward to celebrating Valentines with all our friends this week!

  • Holidays and Letters

    These past few weeks in morning preschool have been very busy! All of the preschoolers are very excited about the upcoming holidays. As we prepare for the holidays, we continue to learn about letters in the alphabet and the sounds they make.

  • Letter Ee

    The morning preschool class learned all about the letter Ee last week. We read quite a few Elmer the Elephant books, and even voted on our favorite. In addition, we always practice letter formation as well as letter sound each week.

  • Learning the Alphabet

    The morning preschool has been busy learning the letters of the alphabet. Each week we focus on one letter, and integrate lots of creative activities and children’s literature to help us learn.


  • Dr. Seuss Week!

    We had a blast this week celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday! Each day we chose one of his books to focus our lessons and snacks around. These books included: Horton Hears a Who, The Lorax, Wacky Wednesday, Hop on Pop, and The Cat in the Hat.


    Monday: Horton Hears a Who

    We made our own snack to represent the clover Horton carries!

    Tuesday: The Lorax 

    We planted green bean seeds in our Lorax cups!

    Fine motor truffula trees

    Truffula seeds (aka Trix cereal) for snack!

    Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday

    The kids and teachers dressed “wacky” for the day, even the classroom was “wacky”!

    Coloring under the tables… How wacky!

    “Wacking” specific letters with a fly swatter!

    Wacky Wednesday snack:  jell-o that appears to be red koolaid! We tricked them all!

    Thursday: Hop on Pop

    We practiced our rhyming skills by hopping on words that rhymed and trying to pop the bubble wrap!

    Popcorn snack!

    Friday: Cat in the Hat

    Dr. Seuss sensory tubs!

  • Snowy Owl Babies

    We learned about the amazing Snowy Owl in Pre-K this week and saw them in action as they flew over the Tundra of Greenland.  We also read the book, Owl Babies by Martin Waddell and painted our own Owl Babies!  Click on the photo of the book to view the read aloud of the Owl Babies.