The manipulative center provides children with interesting materials to explore. Exploration is essential to the development of mathematical and logical thinking. Gears along with other manipulatives in our center allow children to refine hand-eye coordination and visual perception. Stacking, fitting connecting, stringing, comparing, matching, sorting, sequencing, building, classifying, persisting at tasks, turning knobs-children continue to build basic skills through manipulative play. Children also learn to think logically, understand cause and effect, recognize shapes, and predict outcomes as they manipulate toys from this center.
But let’s not leave out the FUN!
The Early 3’s didn’t mind the rainy day today… they had new centers they were eager to explore! Our room has been transformed into a winter candy land full of baking supplies, gumdrops, and other colorful new toys!
Where can you blast off into outer space, explore new worlds, meet important people from the past, dive deep into the depths of the oceans and swim with a humpback whale or alongside an ancient sea turtle? The classroom library! Our small groups took us to the classroom library today as we learned about all the different books that are available to read during free choice time. It’s one of the favorite gathering spots in our classroom during the school year.
You can become anything you dream in of in a good book!
Building Social Skills as we Work in Centers
Centers can help with all kinds of fine motor development and allows creativity.
Enjoying the fall weather!
Creative Tots has specialized in the private education of both toddlers and preschool age children for over 15 years. We began in the heart of Madeira and now also have a new Mason location. We are specifically designed to focus on early childhood development for children ages 18 months to 5 years.
Click below to learn more about our program offerings: