Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Rainbow Pet Shop, Number Recognition Game, and “S” is for “Sponge Painting”

    Check out our small groups from today!

    {Ms. Sarah}

    {group #1}

    In this group we practiced our matching skills while incorporating the colors (in order) of the rainbow. As an extension, we counted how many animals were on each color. We pretended like we were at a pet shop and had to organize the animals by color.

    {group #2}

    In this group, the children practiced their number recognition by rolling a die then standing on the paper with the corresponding number on it. At the end, they counted how many children were on each number.

    {group #3}

    In this group, the children painted with sponges to make “S” is for “sponge painting” for our alphabet book (which is SO CLOSE to being finished!!!). They used their fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination to create their textured painting.