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  • Necklace Know-How

    Today in small groups we used our fine motor skills to string a bead pattern onto our halloween necklaces.  Fine motor muscles are very important small muscles located in your child’s hands that need to be developed in order to hold a pencil properly and attain the ability to write successfully and without difficulty.  Scissor activities also help build these muscles needed to write.  If you find your child having trouble holding scissors properly, holding a crayon or large marker incorrectly, small muscles activities are needed to help build the muscles.  We include these activities into our daily curriculum through scissor “skill” activities, prewriting activities, playdough activities, through the use of stickers (it takes these small muscles in the hand to peel the stickers off the paper), beading, and the use of tongs in the sensory tables and center games…etc.  Click on any of the pictures for other small motor activity ideas.  Have fun!

    Reading My Pattern

    Reading My Pattern

    I did it!

    I did it!

    Checking My Work

    Checking My Work

    Getting Started

    Stringing a Pattern