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  • More with Bugs and Names

    Today in Early 3’s we continued our bug theme and worked on “writing” our names. Check out how~

    {group #1}

    The children used their fine motor skills to write their names with dot stampers. I wrote out their name. If the child knew how to spell their name, I would have them tell me how to spell their name as I wrote it on the butcher paper. If they didn’t, I would say each letter as I wrote out their name. After I wrote out their name, they had to follow the lines and curves of each letter with their stamper.

    {group #2}

    In this group, the children used their fine motor skills to make fingerprint ants. During group time we watched a video of ants moving a large item, then we discussed how ants’ bodies have three parts (head, thorax, and abdomen).

    {group #3}

    This group worked on counting and sorting as the children counted the legs on each bug, then used their fine motor skills to pinch the bug with their tweezers and transfer it to the correct cup (either 8 legged bugs or 6 legged bugs).