Happy 2017 from the toddler room! The transition back from holiday break has been so smooth, and we are so excited to have all of our friends back with us!
We have started off the month of January with focus on the letter โMโ this week. We read the book, If You Give a Moose a Muffin, and made our very own chocolate chip muffins!
We practiced taking turns, and sitting for longer periods of time. We followed directions and used our recipe to help guide us along! A lot of our ingredients are white, which is perfect because we are learning about the color white this month! Check out our muffin-making process below.
Now time for our mini taste testers to give them a try!
Looks like they were toddler approved!
We did our alphabet page to go along with our book theme this week, making an โMโ is for moose page!