Our PreSchool Blog

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  • First Few Weeks of School!

    The preschool PM and preschool prep classes have been hard at work! We are starting to learn new letters, shapes, numbers, colors and more! We are also learning a lot about our classmates! It’s been a fun first few weeks at Creative Tots!


    Fly swatting our numbers and letters!

    A is for apple!

    Hand painting activity- We learned that we are all different and when we work together we can make something beautiful! We also learned that we can mix colors and create a whole NEW color, and we all thought that was pretty cool! (just check out the smiles on those faces!)

    Making friendship cookies!

    We learned that even though eggs are different colors, they are the same on the inside, just like us!

    We graphed our eye color for our “All About Me” study!