This week we learned all about the Pond Animal the Frog! It just so happened we also were learning all about the letter F!
We stamped the letter F frogs.
Frogs go through a life cycle. They start as eggs, then hatch into tadpoles and then they grow front legs and become froglets before losing their tail and becoming adult frogs.
We learned that frogs use their tongue to catch bugs and we pretended to be frogs and “caught” some flies.
Frogs can jump on average about 7 feet. We took turns jumping like frogs to see if we could go father. We all got pretty close, but none of us could jump farther than a frog!
We matched upper and lowercase letter frogs.
We reviewed our letters and numbers by hopping like frogs onto lily pads.
We fed our frogs insects while working our hand strength and fine motor skills.