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  • Bugs and Lowercase Letters

    This week we introduced our theme: bugs! We are also beginning to work on lowercase letters. Check out our small groups from Wednesday:

    {group #1}

    We discussed uppercase and lowercase letters. I showed them what an uppercase “E” looks like then showed them what a lowercase “e” looks like. We talked about how some uppercase and lowercase letters are the same –the lowercase letter is just a smaller version. In our activity, the children spun the spinner, and whatever letter the spinner landed on they had to find the corresponding lowercase letter cookie. We would discuss which letter it was and whether or not it was the same/different than the uppercase letter.

    {group #2}

    This group was focused on our theme: bugs! Ms. Diana talked to children about different bugs  ~how they look and what each bug is named. The children had to match their bug to the bug on the board.

    {group #3}

    This small group was our art small group! The children painted VERY colorful butterflies with their hands to go along with our book of the week: “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. At the end he turns into a beautiful butterfly, so we made our own version of the butterfly!