Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Last Days of October

    We embraced our October theme whole heartedly this month! What’s better than giving academic time a Halloween twist?? Here’s a taste of what we did this month!

    Spider Counting!

    Building letters with pumpkin seeds

    Letter building with candy corn

    Halloween cutting center

    Feeding the Alphabet Zombie (he loves his letters!)

    Acting out the Five Little Pumpkins

    Spider swatting and number recognition!

    Fall Number Mats

    Wicked letter find and sort! 

    Silly Monster Craft!

  • Hands-on Fall Activities

    The Preschoolers and Preschool Preppers have been apart of many fun, hands-on explorations this month! We opened up a pumpkin, made our own homemade applesauce and had some animals visit the classroom!

  • Prewriting and Fine Motor

    We have been working on our prewriting and fine motor skills in the PM preschool and preschool prep classes! We are getting our hands ready to write!

  • Music Class with Ms. Joanie

    We had our first music class of the year with, the one and only, Ms. Joanie! The kids just loved her! She comes once a week to sing with the kids, let them play/learn new instruments, and teach them music vocabulary!

    Music is very important for our preschoolers. It ignites all areas of  child development (intellectual, social, emotional, motor, language). Music helps the body and mind work together, and can teach them sounds and meanings of words.


  • Literacy Based Lessons

    In the PM Preschool and Preschool Prep classes, we have been planning our days around a children’s book and integrating other curriculum objectives into that theme.

    For example, we read Pete The Cat as a class and the kids were able to snack on some of the different foods Pete steps in to help retell the story (strawberries, blueberries, chocolate- in place of mud, and water).  To incorporate letter recognition, we had the children feed letters to our Pete The Cat Character Box. If it was not a letter we had learned yet, the children would say “goodness no!”- just like in the story. To continue with this theme, we had a question of the day for the children: “What color would you turn your shoes? What would you need to step in to turn them this color?”

    We were able to integrate literacy, letter recognition, sense of taste, color recognition, and story retelling!

  • First Few Weeks of School!

    The preschool PM and preschool prep classes have been hard at work! We are starting to learn new letters, shapes, numbers, colors and more! We are also learning a lot about our classmates! It’s been a fun first few weeks at Creative Tots!


    Fly swatting our numbers and letters!

    A is for apple!

    Hand painting activity- We learned that we are all different and when we work together we can make something beautiful! We also learned that we can mix colors and create a whole NEW color, and we all thought that was pretty cool! (just check out the smiles on those faces!)

    Making friendship cookies!

    We learned that even though eggs are different colors, they are the same on the inside, just like us!

    We graphed our eye color for our “All About Me” study!



  • The Preschool Scoop

    What a great first week of school at Creative Tots!! In the PM Preschool and Preschool Prep classes, we had an ice cream themed week inspired by the book “Should I Share My Ice Cream?” By Mo Willems. The students learned about sharing, while meeting new friends and enjoying some delicious ice cream! What a great start to the year with an even better group of kids!

    We started the afternoon with ice cream sensory tubs!

    We found our own name tags and made necklaces out of them!

    We had our ice cream snack outside in the sun!

    We practiced sharing our own ice cream with friends! 

    Then we had a dance party!

    Our question of the day was a tough one…choosing between chocolate, strawberry and vanilla ice cream.     


  • Prechool Prep-April Part Two




    Acting out the butterfly life cycle!


  • April Part One: Insects and Gardening

    April’s theme in Preschool Prep is based around gardening and insects. We have integrated this theme into our daily curriculum and are having so much fun!

    *Fine motor insect sorting

       The Very Hungry Caterpillar story retelling 

    Bug Fossils!

    Each day this month we have done a “Daily News” segment in the classroom 🙂 We first have someone introduce the news, and then we work together to figure out what month and day of the week it is. Next, we choose a student to be our “weather kid” for the day. This person gets to wear a special badge and report the weather based on what they see outside and how it feels! Lastly, we complete a feelings chart where the students pick a face that mimics how they are feeling that day (all of the children have picked the happy face so far)!

      Our weather girl reporting her findings! 

  • Preschool Prep Valentines Day Party 2017!