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  • Arctic Habitat

     We learned all about the arctic habitat last month!  Some animals we focused on were the polar bear, the walrus, the arctic fox, and the narwhal!  Did you know that there are NO penguins in the arctic habitat!! They only live in the Antarctic!  Animals that live in the harsh cold weather in the arctic, have to have special adaptations that keep them warm such as thick, heavy fur coats, hibernation, or lots of fat or blubber.

    To learn what it would be like to have lots of blubber while swimming in the arctic water, we did an experiment.  Students put their hand in ice water for a couple of seconds! It was soooooo cold!


    Then we put our hand inside a bag of shortening and put it back in the water but this time it was warm.  We couldn’t even feel the cold water!  IMG_6923 IMG_6938

    We also learned about hibernation and where animals hibernate in the winter.

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