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  • Music in the Early Childhood Classroom

    Ms. Joanie joined our K Prep classroom today for a special Music Enrichment class! She brought her rhythm sticks and the children used them to create spooky halloween sounds! Incorporating music into the Early Childhood classroom has a variety of benefits:

    • It provides means to communicate
    • An opportunity to express emotions
    • Develops social skills
    • Provides opportunities to participate in groups
    • Enhances self‐concept and self confidence
    • Enhances sensorial skills
    • Refines listening skills
    • Awareness of movement and body positions
    • Enhances creativity and imagination
    • Learn new words and concepts
    • Explore cause and effect
    • Develop large motor skills
    • Improves balance and coordination
    • Helps develop fine motor skills

    and of course……..it’s fun!!!