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  • Using Clips

    Today we started two new things! 🙂 During whole group time, I introduced the class to the clip system –which is used in the preschool room– for choosing a center. The children are to choose a center, take a clip off of the sign, clip it onto their shirt/dress, and play at that center. When they are finished, they clean up their mess, remove their clip, place it back on the sign, then choose a different center with clips available. This keeps the room calm, and the popular centers are not overcrowded. After I talked about how the system worked, I had the children, who are in the preschool room in the morning, demonstrate how to put on the clip and remove it when they are finished. The preschool children are now my official “teacher’s helpers” –whether it’s helping the younger children with clips or reminding them to use/take off their clips.

    We also used clips for another activity. When the children arrived this afternoon, they had to find their mounted photo {with their name on the bottom}…then place clips {with the letters in their name on each clip} on the matching letters of their name. {See the last 4 photos for an idea of how it works!} 🙂

    {Ms. Sarah}