In small groups today, the children practiced their number recognition and fine motor skills by clipping clothespins onto circles with numbers on them. Whatever number was on the circle cut-out, the children had to place the corresponding amount of clips around the edge. In our other small group, the children practiced writing letters with play-dough. In the last small group, the children painted white paper with red paint using marbles. The paper will be cut out in a candy-cane shape and sent home on Friday!
We had a blast during whole group. We have been reading the story “Dream Snow” by Eric Carle. The children have so much fun guessing which animal is hiding behind the snow. I made up my own rendition of the book for an activity. I have all of the children shut their eyes then I throw a sheet over one of them and carry them to the center of the group. I have all of the children open their eyes and look around. They have to figure out who is missing then guess who is under the “snow”/sheet.
Hoping you all are having a fantastic week so far!!
{Miss Sarah}