Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Today in the Early 3’s class, we made “H” is for “Hands.” We painted our hand prints over the letter “H” written in painter’s tape. I loved how they turned out!! We also practiced our scooping skills by scooping marbles out of rice and putting them into cups/bowls. We worked on identifying our letters by having children come up one at a time and point to the letter they were asked to find. {We definitely still need to work on our letter recognition.} For snack today, the children had to find their nameĀ  (written on the butcher paper covering the table) and sit at the seat when they found their name. This was an activity to help them with their name recognition…and they absolutely loved it. Before they could get up from snack, they had to try tracing their names with a crayon of a different color other than the color it was written in. I was amazed by how many children could follow the letters in their name. During whole group, we talked about using our imagination and read the story, “It Looked Like Spilt Milk.” I passed around a colorful box and had the children shake it, then use their imaginations to guess what was inside. Needless to say, the children thoroughly enjoyed this activity!! Overall, a fantastic start to our week here at Creative Tots! See you on Wednesday!!

    {Miss Sarah}