Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Making Our Own Gingerbread Friends

    After reading the stories about all the different gingerbread friends throughout the month of December, it was time to try our hand at making our own.  We measured and mixed the ingredients, stirred and stirred, rolled the dough then cut them out.  We knew that the recipe said to cook them for a whole eight minutes, no more no less and NO PEEKING.  We put them in the oven, but when we looked to see if they were done…our gingerbread friends were GONE!  Our tray was empty.  We quickly put our coats on and began searching outside incase they had slipped out while we weren’t looking.  They were nowhere to be found!  After searching high and low, we finally found them hiding in our classroom.  Thank goodness the fox didn’t find them before we did!