Our PreSchool Blog

Follow Along!
  • I apologize for not posting on Monday. I was having some technical difficulties with the blog/photos! It is up and running now! I included some of Monday’s photos along with today’s photos.



    We practiced writing vertical and horizontal lines. We made “M” is for “Mountain” with sponges and paint. We also continued to work on the letters in our names. Here are a few photos from the day….


    Today we continued to work on our letter of the week: “M.” We practiced our fine motor skills as we glued small pieces of paper to an “M.” We painted circles (our shape of the month) with cut-up pool noodles. LOVED how these turned out. We also worked on our shape of the month by playing a matching game. Then we played “Circle or Not” where the children had to identify whether or not a shape was a circle…or not! 🙂 We have begun a new name recognition activity during our second group time during the day. The children are definitely getting the hang of recognizing their names. I’m so excited!!! So much progress!!

    Miss Sarah 🙂

    {A glimpse of what our board looks like at group time}