Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Shape Sorting and Zipping Up the Alphabet!

    Our little learners reviewed all of the shapes they’ve learned throughout the year with some hands on shape activities. One was finding the bug hiding under the shapes. They had to pick the shape I asked them to find and see if the bug was hiding underneath it! They also matched shapes to the underwater animal puzzles. We finished off with a shape collage. We glued each shape one by one as a group.












    We finished off our alphabet with some letter Z activities. Zoo is for Zoo animals–washing zoo animals! We also did a Z is for Zipper activity. Each student picked a pouch with a zipper and found what was inside and then sorted the surprise inside by color!












  • Bugs and Garden Exploration!

    We were busy bugs in the Studio Toddler classroom in April! We learned about how plants grow, made our own name gardens and played in garden sensory bins for some hands on learning. We also sorted bugs by color and made our own bugs in a jar craft using buttons and coloring grass for the bugs!


















  • Earth Day / Garden

    The toddlers celebrated Earth Day this April by creating headbands and sorting trash versus recycling.  We also have sorted flowers, talked about the parts of a flower, created a name garden, painted bottle print flowers, and planted seeds.  To round out our unit the toddlers painted a flower picture to put on the back of a special gift for Mother’s Day.





  • Bugs, Bugs, Bugs

    Spring is the perfect season to do an insect study.  The toddlers have painted, colored, and created  insect crafts.  We have read stories and sang songs about butterflies and bumblebees.  We have also played some fun games that reinforce counting and color recognition.


  • Bunnies, Chicks, and Eggs

    We had a quick turnaround from spring break to Easter.  The toddlers spent the week doing chick prints, egg matching, egg hunts, washi tape egg crafts, and matching bunny tails.

  • Finishing Up the Alphabet

    The toddlers have focused on one letter each week of school.  We review the letter each day and discuss the sound, shape, and words that begin with letter of the week.  Using our five senses we try to provide opportunities to see, touch, smell, hear, and even taste items that begin with the letter of the week.  We do crafts, read stories, fill the mystery can, and use hands on activities to reinforce the letter of the week.

    U is for Unicorn, Umbrella, and Ukulele


    V is for Vase

    W is for Watermelon

    X is for Xylophone and X-Ray

    Y is for Yak, Yellow, and YoYo  (we read a cute book call Yak and Gnu)

    Z is for Zipper, ZigZag, Zoo, and Zebra

    We will a review of all the letters while we read and do a craft with  Chicka Chicka Boom Boom in May.