Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Studio Toddler Crafting

    The Studio Toddler class has really gotten into a rhythm in our classroom. Our toddlers are anticipating our daily schedule and following routines well. They’ve also been practicing sitting and doing crafts at our tables. This usually involves following directions, which is a skill we practice all year long in the toddler class! Check out some of the crafts we’ve been making so far below.


    C is for Cat:





    My 5 Senses Craft:





    D is for Donut:



  • Preschool Prep: Prewriting + Counting!

    Preschool Prep is working hard on not only recognizing our letters we have introduced, but learning how to build them. In Preschool Prep, we won’t start forming letters using a writing utensil (ie: pencil, marker, crayon) just yet, but we use other materials that help us learn how letters are formed. Playdough is a favorite sensory item to use to manipulate it into letters. Check out the photos below of how our little learners are starting their letter formation using playdough.









    We have also been doing a lot of counting practice in our small groups. Being able to use items to count out loud is great practice of one to one correspondence. We will be continuing our practice of one to one correspondence throughout the year, but we have had a great introduction to this with some of our small group activities. We counted people into houses, and counted our fingerprints in another activity.











  • Ee is for Elmer

    While learning about the letter Ee this week, we read the beloved picture book Elmer. After we finished reading the book, we practiced our scissor skills and created our very own Elmer the elephant.

  • Toddler Shape of the Month: Circle

    Each month the toddlers focus on one shape.  We immerse ourselves in the shape using all of our senses to reinforce learning.  In September we used our circle shape to create crafts, play large motor games, practiced our fine motor skills, and sang circle songs!

    We combined our theme and shape to create a circle “I am special” mirror.



    A little sneak peak of our culminating art projects for the end of the year.

    The toddlers do one project a month – we will send them home in May!

    We also combined our favorite foods theme with a circle craft after reading

    the favorite story If You Give a Pig Pancake by Laura Numeroff.