We put a fun twist on reviewing our letters and sounds today during small groups. Children took turns finding and matching the lowercase alphabet cookies with the corresponding uppercase plate while practicing the sounds together.
We put a fun twist on reviewing our letters and sounds today during small groups. Children took turns finding and matching the lowercase alphabet cookies with the corresponding uppercase plate while practicing the sounds together.
Developing early literacy skills by building a strong foundation in letter identification and phonological awareness is critical to future strong readers and writers. In K Prep we begin our program with ensuring that each of our students have the opportunity to build these critical skills through interactive activities in small group settings.
Budding readers are hard at work each day.
Our preschoolers started working in their journals this week! Each morning, we start our day with “Journal Time.” Sometimes it is in their journals, other times it is a page that goes home. It is either a prompted, independent learning activity or an open ended creation! This week, we have been focusing on and reviewing colors. Our focus color this month is yellow! We talked about the letter it starts with and completed a coloring activity all about the color yellow! Later this week we talked about our favorite colors and everyone got to practice using glue sticks for their first entry in their journals.
Later this week we talked about our favorite colors and everyone got to practice using glue sticks for their first entry in their journals.
Welcome to the 2016-2017 Creative Tots Toddler Classroom! We are so excited to have so many wonderful friends, old and new, in our class this year. This was our first full week of school, and being at school for the first time can be tough for friends as young as ours, but they all did SO wonderfully! We just know this is going to be an excellent school year. We know that you, toddler parents, are curious about what happens in your child’s day at school. On our blog you will find weekly updates about what happens in the toddler classroom. In the coming weeks, we will be posting about our daily schedule, and you can get a feel for what our mornings look like. For the first couple of weeks, we wanted all of our friends to get very familiar with their new surroundings. They are already learning about sharing, using their words, and how to clean up their messes!
Below you can see a rough structure of our day. Our toddlers are already learning how to transition from one activity to the next. This helps foster a sense of independence, once they know what to expect as they get more and more used to the schedule of our day.
Center Time/Free Play
Whole Group Story Time
Outside Play
Small Group Time
Art/Discovery Bins
Music & Movement
We hope you enjoy seeing your children grow and develop through these pictures throughout the school year. We cannot wait to see how they thrive! 🙂
We are getting into a groove here in preschool and we are loving getting to know all of our new students! This week has been all about getting comfortable in our new classroom, learning where things are, how to use the clip system in our centers, and making new friends! Today we talked about our favorite centers and the favorites are definitely the baby center, the tower, and the library! We are having a lot of fun! We also learned what a good listener looks like. We read the story Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen and we had special helpers show us examples of what a good listener does and looks like!
Creative Tots has specialized in the private education of both toddlers and preschool age children for over 15 years. We began in the heart of Madeira and now also have a new Mason location. We are specifically designed to focus on early childhood development for children ages 18 months to 5 years.
Click below to learn more about our program offerings: