Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Free choice time before circle time

    Free choice center time

    Shapes & Color Bingo

    Shapes & Color Bingo

    Free choice center time

    Free choice center time

    1:1 correspondence

    1:1 correspondence

    Each number is a definite amount

    Rolling the die and determining that each dot represents one marble


    Using keys to create musical sounds & dancing to "The Freeze"


    Music & Movement with Ms. Lori

  • Letters and Circles and Music – Oh My!

    Alphabet Cover-Up

    Alphabet Cover-Up

    Can you find a lowercase d?

    Can you find a lowercase d?

    What letters can you find?

    What letters can you find?

    Put a marble on the capital E

    Put a marble on the capital E

    Circle creations

    Circle creations

    Using fine motor skills to create a circle

    Using fine motor skills to create a circle

    Free choice center time

    Free choice center time

    Music time with Ms. Joanie

    Music time with Ms. Joanie

    Elmo came to play and everyone got to play the guitar

    Elmo came to play while everyone had a turn to play the guitar

    Is your circle big or small?  If it's big, put it on your head!

    Is your circle big or small? If it's big, put it on your head!

  • Outside fun!







  • Shared Reading

    IMG_6873 We started our Shared Reading Activities on Monday in Pre-K!  The first book we’re reading in Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See? We’re working on the parts of book (words and illustrations on each page), author, illustrator and title.  We will be searching for our sight words and much more.  We began reading Zoo Animals in Reading Groups this week and the sight word, is, was introduced on Monday.  Keep up with the homework activities four times per week!  This REALLY makes a difference in the growth and progress of your child.  Keep up the good work.

    What's the Title of our Book?

    What's the Title of our Book?

  • Can you do the letter 2?

    Can you do the letter 2?

    Music time with Ms. Joanie

    Music time with Ms. Joanie

    Everyone loves go play the drum

    Everyone loves go play the drum

    Enjoying the fresh air

    Enjoying the fresh air

    Using our large and fine motor skills

    Using our large and fine motor skills

  • Dd is for dot!

    Dd is for dot!

    Free choice center time

    Free choice center time

    Practicing our skills in the writing center

    Practicing our skills in the writing center

    Playing with our friends!

    Playing with our friends!

  • Gearing Up For Fire Safety!

    Outdoor time - we had our small groups outside too!

    Outdoor time - we had our small groups outside too!

    Scissor safety & grip during small groups

    Scissor safety & grip during small groups

    Practicing our snips

    Practicing our snips

    Fine motor practice

    Fine motor practice

    Fireman Mel is very friendly!

    Fireman Mel is the same person, even with all of his equipment on!

    Stop, drop and roll

    Stop, drop and roll

    Fireman Mel is the same person, even with all of his equipment on!

    Practicing stop, drop and roll, while checking out all of the gear

    Checking out the truck

    Checking out the truck

    Lots of things to see on a firetruck

    Lots of things to see on a firetruck

    Thanks for a great visit!

    What a great visit!

  • Just for Fun!

    Art Center

    Art Center

    Don't Be a Bully, Billy!

    Don't Be a Bully, Billy!


    Field of Sunflowers

    Building Friendships

    Building Friendships

  • Reading Groups…Building a Sentence

    We reread our book, Making Bubbles today and became the author to create a new sentence to add to the book.  We were blowing bubbles outside at recess so decided to add ourselves to the book (WE ARE BLOWING BUBBLES.)  We cut the sentence apart and took turns recognizing the words and putting the sentence back together.  Nice work everyone!

    Henry Reading

    Hadley Reading


    Annika Reading

  • Yoga Time!

    Tick Tock Little Yoga Clock

    Tick Tock Little Yoga Clock

    Yoga 2 Hadley Yoga