Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Artists Hard at Work…

    Your child has been working super hard with Ms. Penny and Ms. Lori to prepare for the upcoming art show on November 13th.  Ms. Penny has been in class two to three days a week over the past few weeks to help the children create their masterpieces that will be on display.  As you look into those “artless” cubbies day after day, please remember that all the very special artwork that your child is doing with our fantastic Ms. Penny, is being kept at school for their special debut!  Mark Your Calendars!  The children have also been working VERY hard on a top secret holiday surprise for their families…you’ll have to wait for December to see that!  It will be worth the wait!

    Every child is an Artist!

    Every child is an Artist!

  • Sponge Painting Circles

    dirt and bugs 019

    more sneak preview art show work

    This afternoon the children used sponges to paint circles.  We used all different colors to make our beautiful circles!  These circles will be used for a special project for the art show!  They also had fun painting all over their pumpkins!

  • Pre-writing and Name Practice

    Today in small groups, we practiced the movements the children need to form different letters in the alphabet.  We worked on slanted, vertical and horizontal lines on our map of the forest.  Then, we had a chance to use our fun Magic Wipe Boards to practice writing our names!  They did a great job.  Writing with your child even at this young age is a wonderful activity to become more accustomed to holding the pencil/marker correctly and building the strength in the hands that is needed for more fluent writing in the future.  The best place to start is with the letters in their name!  There is also a wonderful series of prewriting and letter writing books by Kumon.  Click on the pictures below to view different books in this series.

    Some Children Wrote their Name Independently

    Some Children Wrote their Name Independently

    Practice Makes Perfect

    Practice Makes Perfect

    Pencil Grip is Important!

    Pencil Grip is Important!

    "Following the Road"

    “Following the Road”
    I did it!

    I did it!

  • Pre-K Homework

    Homework folders were sent home on Friday of last week.  I hope that you have had a chance to read through the parent information and gotten started working on it right away!   Lily’s mom was kind enough to send us a great photo of Lily on her first night of homework.  Way to go Lily-Keep up the good work!  These simple activities are very important to build the skills needed for school.  Have fun!

    Lily's First Night of Homework

    Lily's First Night of Homework

  • Digging for Bugs!

    sensory bugs

    sensory bugs

    This week the sensory table is full of dirt and creepy crawly bugs!  Most of the kids couldn’t wait to get their hands on the snakes and spiders but a few didn’t mind standing back and watching!  The kids have been using their imagination and making the bugs crawl up their arms and slither all around!

  • Spooky Spiders in the Sensory Table

    This week we have some creepy, crawly, colorful spiders in our sensory table. There are over 100 spiders hiding in the table and the children love searching for the small creatures. Once they’ve found a colorful spider they place it in the corresponding color bucket with the tongs. This spooky spider activity is great for a our fine motor skills! IMG_2105 IMG_2109

  • Shapes and Patterning

    building blocks 021 building blocks 019

    Today the kids were practicing their shapes and patterning with a small grou activity.  Abby and Ryan loved matching the foam shapes with their patterning strips.  We talked about the color of the shapes, the name of the shapes, and the different patterns on each strip.  They wanted to do it over and over again!