Our PreSchool Blog

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  • Lots going on in the Early 3’s class!! Today we practiced our new letter: “F.” We practiced “writing” F’s with stampers. We made “F is for Fall” for our alphabet book. We also made roosters with our footprints! {sorry…I don’t have any photos of that!} During our group time, we learned about our shape of the month: triangle. We practiced recognizing and saying the name. We also read an exciting book called “Who’s in the Shed.” Once I had finished the story, they wanted me to read it again. 🙂 I introduced the children to the numbers 4 and 5 today, as well. We will continue working on these numbers along with numbers 1-3. The children are quickly catching on to our name recognition game. They are learning the letters in their name so quickly!! I’m so proud of them! Definitely a great start to our week!

    {Miss Sarah}