Our PreSchool Blog

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  • We have reached week 3 of our school year!! Yay!! Today the children listened to a read aloud called “All About You.” We talked about where we live, what we wear, who we live with, what we eat, etc. The children are currently learning the color red and the letter “R.” During group time, I had a bin with various items, and the children had to identify which items were red. During small groups, we painted rainbows (for the letter “R”) for our ABC book we will be working on throughout the year. They also painted a muffin tin and printed it on paper for the art show in March. The children worked on our numbers for the month (number recognition 1-3). They also practiced one-to-one correspondence and fine motor skills with pipe cleaners and colanders. The playground has a new feature that the children absolutely LOVE: a sandbox!! Check out all of the fun photos from our day!

    {Miss Sarah} 🙂

    (Muffin Tin Art: Art Show Piece)

    (“R” is for Rainbow)